Monday, June 28, 2010

" I wandered lonely as a cloud"

At times I find myself just daydreaming or find my mind wondering aimlessly, “I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud” reminds of those time where I need the ability to just wonder and clear my mid. The cloud in reference floats above the ground and the author is floating with the cloud above earthly things. Everything seems light and surreal.

“In such a jocund company:
I gazed and gazed but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought." (line 16-18)

The poem is written as Wordsworth gains admiration for his surroundings, it seems as if the poem was not planned but at the moment Wordsworth found himself amidst beauty and nature. In the above referenced stanza Wordsworth recognizes the wealth in beauty. This is something that a lot of people find themselves doing when they do not stop to take advantage of their surroundings. At time you find yourself with a different form of wealth.


  1. Simone,

    Good focus on this specific poem, and good selection of a passage to explore. You don't really analyze that passage, though, and your comments seem more general and descriptive than analytic. What is the wealth that Wordsworth found in the scene of flowers?

  2. I agree with your entry and I do not think it was a requirement to be analytical but to simply gather what you as the reader get from the poem, and like yourself I am often wondering why people do what they do and what is on their mind. I know the poets in his time were dealing with issues that were far more difficult than we have to deal with today. They only way they were able to express theirselves was to write poems or books. I think your selection of the poem was a good choice.

  3. I think there needs to be a little more depth in your analyzes not just one line in a poem and not just the simple idea of enjoying life
